1. Topic Name:
2. Error Description:
I want the penalty for the wrong speed limit to be deleted. It shows 70km/h on the navigations screen, but the system counts the speed limit 60km/h.
Wrong speed limit violation ID: 1102752
3. Mandatory! Installed antivirus/firewall (specify standard antivirus/firewall or other)
Antivirus no have / windows firewall is turned on
4. Links to log files:
game.log.txt - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vGV877eTMy3o2VnBmU7vK9a_tTt4Ckpe/view?usp=sharing
vtcw.log - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MDb1cmDkFPoGQSZCy27NO6HZ-YyxJl8n/view?usp=sharing
vtcw.log.last - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l1u1-J6ZhJwRPK4_gyFFauMEuhD5IJm6/view?usp=sharing
5. Screenshot(s)/video link(s): https://www.hizliresim.com/cjiwv8r