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About [DKt]Mysak_Bob

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  1. [DKt]Mysak_Bob

    Planned distance

    Is it ok if the planned distance from Norway to Norway is longer than 18,000km? https://vtc.world/cp/deliveries/?view=906175&user=10546&group=all&page=1&count=30 https://vtc.world/cp/deliveries/?view=906192&user=19599&group=all
  2. Dear administrators, Due to some events which happened in the last few days (speaking mainly about TruckersMP), I have decided to write a letter to all mentioned parties below, that are from my point of view (and also from the point of view of other concerned players) concerned in this situation. I’m talking about TruckersMP (known as TMP), vtc.world (known as VTCW) and Trucksbook (known as TB). Let me start by introducing myself. I’m a little bit older ETS2 player. I've been playing this game since 2015. After a while, I started playing ATS and I playing mostly in simulation mode. I have driven over 7 million kilometers on both games.Also I’m a owner of VTC Die Kapitane Transport, which currently has around 70 members, and operates in various degrees on all mentioned servers. I have been on TB since the beginning from start (i.e. October 2016) (https://trucksbook.eu/profile/12) On TMP I've been active since about 2017 (https://truckersmp.com/user/327428) and on VTCW since January 2021 (https://vtc.world/cp/users/view/?user=13336) Events which I mentioned on the start of a letter are these: - Unification of speed limits in simulation mode on VTCW and TB - Adjust of the speed tolerations on VTCW - there it could be even better, but I will mention that later - The most important project on TMP - Back to Basics I will start with TMP: I don’t want to contradict the decision of the arcade community. Only one “simulation” server has been kept, but I and large part of our company, who drive on the server Promods, are bothered by the irresponsible (Reckless) driving of most fast drivers (not all players, occasionally there is always someone, who slows down when overtaking). Speed difference, which is up to 60 km/h (150 km/h versus 90 km/h), leads to more dangerous situations than a lower difference 20 km/h (110 km/h versus 90 km/h). Here you can argue that I can report a dangerous player, who harms me, but no report will be made up for a ruined in-game contract and a VTCW penalty. My suggestion to set up these SIMULATION SERVERS: Servers SIM3 a PM3 - speed could be 55/102 km/h (you may ask why not 100 km/h? The reason is simple - drivers can be fined if they do not comply with the simulation limit on TB and on VTCW, which is set to 100 km/h) and I don’t suppose you make a really realistic limit of 90 km/h, which is in most European countries. I’m afraid that there aren’t that many HARD simulation players. And for ATS servers US SIM3 - speed could be 40/85 mp/h. I deliberately put the US server, because most of the European community is playing ATS on the US server. I’m aware that servers are not free, so if you wouldn’t restructure the current server system, my suggestion is to create servers for TMP Patreons. I would keep the contribution voluntary - at least you would how people value your decision ;-). Number of slots can be at 500 players at start. My other suggestion for these servers is to allow custom skins of trucks and trailers for companies, which are larger than 5 members (or 10 members f.e.), that could be visible to all players on the server - here I took inspiration from a VTCW, where the minimum number of members needed to start a company is set to 5 members. I would consider this more reasonable than a personal car with monster wheels. Of course, the custom skin size limitation would need to be tweaked, you can possibly make it conditional that at least one member of the company has gold patreon or some sort of individual fee. I will now proceed with the proposal for a VTCW: Here it’s a bit easier to unify the speeding limit in SIMULATION mode to +10 km/h. Just keep the time tolerance in town - 8 seconds and outside the town - 20 seconds. And there is one suggestion for TB: One mutual suggestion for VTCW and TB is to write contracts, which I will take over from my colleagues in VTCW. Since you can’t create a VTCW contract, you can’t ride VTCW convoys together. Conclusion: The best option would be if the three mentioned entities could somehow agree in favour of players who like to drive in simulation mode. The biggest part lies with TMP, because it all happens “on their playground” and it isn’t dependent on the other subjects. I would like to ask TMP to not only think about their the arcade community, for which it does whatever they want, although I understand that whoever pay (patreon) have higher priority, but at least do something for the minority community that also likes simulation - so the simulation community doesn’t disappear time by time. I think it’s in everyone’s interest - for players and for you, who offer services to us - to keep everyone happy. Mysak_Bob Die Kapitane transport
  3. [DKt]Mysak_Bob

    3 entries of one Wotr contract

    Hello, I got a WoTr job logged in today under three IDs. 685253 as cancelled 685261 as cancelled 685366 checked in okay I didn't cancel any jobs. 18:27 I picked up a job in Seville, Energon 18:38, I loaded it in Seville, Logistica Atlantica. 20:49 I unloaded it in Prague, Tradeaux Please cancel the two erroneous entries 685253 and 685261. Requested documents here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oCIDMrqkY7biddMVnI51O1oVh5b1c1gX/view?usp=sharing Avast Antivirus
  4. [DKt]Mysak_Bob

    Die Kapitane transport

    ur conservative company (founded 7.3.2015) - a member of the Die Kapitane group - will accept responsible and mature members who drive for fun and prefer simulation to arcade. Motto: We ride when we can, when we can't - we don't. We require: - good behaviour and loyalty to the company - Age 20+ (really 20+, except for any family members of current members, exceptions may be made here under certain conditions) - adherence to company and TrucksBook rules - Czech or Slovak - driving up to 100km/h (ETS2) / 80mph(ATS) - to be counted in the "real" statistics on TB (we write it straight, we won't mask it - like other companies - for delivery of cargo without risk of damage etc. - it can be damaged even at 60kmh ) We offer: - company garage (for ETS2) and other extras (for grade 2 and above) - company skin for some cars - not a requirement - a team of mostly "old guys" (average age over 30 years) - the ongoing DLC competitions on Steam will be interesting for active members - custom dispatcher function on request Communication takes place on the company's Skype chat or on the forum. We don't discuss politics on company chat. We run both singleplayer and multiplayer. TeamSpeak is available for possible MP riders (the number is slowly increasing). We ride official convoys on the Simulation 2 server and on Promods. Recommended monthly mileage is 5.000km, if not met, the member will be downgraded one step for one month. Grading is done on the first of the month. Payment of salary - shall not be made. Pay is used in prize competitions. If a member does not drive at least 10,000km in the previous 3 months, he/she will be terminated. The new member must drive at least 10,000km in each of the first three months with the company. More on our website http://dktransport.webnode.cz We no longer conduct mass recruitment, we accept those who are interested in being our active members. !!! No direct applications will be accepted on Trucksbook without a completed application form on the website !!! TruckersMP: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/10435 Owner: Mysak_Bob: https://vtc.world/cp/users/view/?user=13336 Director: Mr.Driver 68 CZ: https://vtc.world/cp/users/view/?user=15451 Members: Carl77CZ: https://vtc.world/cp/users/view/?user=15268 fiascco: https://vtc.world/cp/users/view/?user=15339 Karotka215(cz): https://vtc.world/cp/users/view/?user=15549 Martas76(CZ): https://vtc.world/cp/users/view/?user=15261 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Czech version: Naše konzervativní firma (založena 7.3.2015) - člen skupiny Die Kapitane group - přijme zodpovědné a vyzrálé členy, kteří jezdí pro radost a preferují simulaci před arkádou.Motto: Jezdíme když můžeme, když nemůžeme - nejezdíme.Požadujeme:- slušné chování a loajalitu k firmě- věk nad 20 let (opravdu 20+, kromě případných rodinných příslušníků stávajících členů, zde může být za určitých předpokladů udělena výjimka)- dodržování pravidel firmy a TrucksBooku- češtinu nebo slovenčinu- jezdit do 100km/h (ETS2) / 80mph(ATS) - pro započtení do "reálných" statistik na TB (píšeme to na rovinu, nebudeme to maskovat - jako jiné firmy - za doručení nákladu bez rizika poškození a pod. - to se dá poškodit i v 60kmh )Nabízíme:- firemní garáž (pro ETS2) a další doplňky (pro platovou třídu 2 a vyšší)- na některé vozy firemní skin - není podmínkou- kolektiv vesměs "starých pardálů" (věkový průměr přes 30let)- pro aktivní členy budou určitě zajímavé i probíhající soutěže o DLC na Steamu- funkce dispečera pro vlastní potřebu na vyžádáníKomunikace probíhá na chatu firmy na Skype, příp. na fóru.Na firemním chatu neřešíme politiku.Jezdíme singlplayer i multiplayer. Pro případné jezdce MP (jejich počet se pozvolna zvyšuje) je k dispozici TeamSpeak . Oficiální konvoje jezdíme na serveru Simulace 2 a na Promods.Doporučený měsíční nájezd je 5.000km,pokud nebude splněn, bude členu snížena platová třída o jeden stupeň na dobu jednoho měsíce.Zařazení do platových tříd probíhá první den v měsíci.Výplata mzdy - se neprovádí. Mzda je využívána v soutěžích o ceny.Pokud člen neujede za předchozí 3 měsíce aspoň 10.000km, bude s ním rozvázána spolupráce.Nový člen musí ujet aspoň 10.000km v každém z prvních třech měsíců u firmy.Více na našem webuhttp://dktransport.webnode.czMasové nábory již neprovádíme, přijímáme ty, kteří mají zájem být našimi aktivními členy.!!! Bez vyplněného přihlašovacího formuláře na webu nebudou přímé přihlášky na Trucksbooku akceptovány. !!!