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Posts posted by [23]ThunderSky

  1. Suggestion Title: A VTC system which isn't just a place to store your km, but more!

    Suggestion Description:

    As soon as I've seen VTC world, I thought: finally I've found someone who think of the simulation first

    First of all: g_income_factor should be lowered as low as real life is. In real life, a trucker get paid around 0.79€/1km to 1.30€/1km for a 20t delivery (currently is more than 25€/1km)
    The above suggestion is connected to the VTC System, which would be more than a place used for km storage:
    For every delivery a driver does he get paid 10% (simulated as a monthly salary) and 90% goes to the VTC.

    VTC will have the following payments:
    1) Simulated company maintanance (for example, drivers who get hired should have a cost, electricity, mechanic of the company should have a cost) some payments the company should have.

    1.1) The more drivers you hire, the more cost the company must sustain.
    2) Drivers fuel (drivers won't pay the fuel, the VTC will pay instead)
    3) Drivers truck damage (if superior than 30%, half will be paid by the driver and half by the VTC)
    4) Drivers can ask for money to buy a truck or to customize it, and the VTC can decide if and how much to give to the driver. (which makes the g_income_factor usefull, if you are in a company, you get more money than by beeing alone)

    Obviously, if the company has 100.000 in the bank, the driver won't be able receive more than that. 

    Any example images:
    Why shout it be added?
    That would be a real revolution as VTC System. The old "VTC km storage" has become too boring.

    • Like 1
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  2. I don't know if already exist, but, I would like to know if you are planning to do a VTC system similar to Trucksbook.
    I'm asking this because, as trucksbook isn't 100% compatible with VTC.World, I would like to switch everything here instead of using both.

  3. Suggestion Title: Advanced Coupling

    Suggestion Description: Hello! I really love VTC.World, especialy the joint driving! One thing that I found frustrating from a "simulative point of view": the gameplay settings can't be changed and I really want Advanced Coupling to be activated, so we have to perfectly fit the fitfh wheel to the trailer. I hate to press T to attach the trailer without precision 😄

    Any example images:
    Why shout it be added? More simulation!
