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Shen Yang


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The client are updates automatically.


For a manual update or installation of the client use information from the following topic:







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Guest Agre[SS]or
В 12.03.2020 в 02:29, Shen Yang сказал:

Why my save dont show up in the game?

runned correctly!

It appears only in multiplayer (TruckersMP), and for a single game can not. 😉


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Guest Agre[SS]or
В 12.03.2020 в 20:11, Shen Yang сказал:

solved,if you change some file dont appear


I'm certainly not in the project team , I have no idea, but they can change the file, but the profile will always display.

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Hi,why im choice a one of the delivery with income,when I watch on the VTC Profile at the Delivery I have much less price,xp if is the  delivery is with status success

exemple ID 197861

Edited by Shen Yang
Wrong ID

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You cannot use third party software on the VTCW profile.

This is against the Agreement on the use of game profile VTC.World




But you can use third party software to create goods on a personal (local) profile.

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2 часа назад, Shen Yang сказал:

What it's meaning Factory reset in Euro Truck Simulator 2 ?

What do you mean by: "Factory reset."

If it means resetting the economy, it’s the same as: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/26-reset-economy-for-jobs/

On VTCW this is done like this:



2 часа назад, Shen Yang сказал:

How can I get back in save when I got crashed on left/righ position on World of Trucks Contracts?

You cannot load the saves manually. It is disabled by default.

"Any kind of save is not available, except for those initiated by the VTC.World software."



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