1. Each VTC can create a separate open topic, which should comply with the requirements of Sections 4 & 6 of VTC.World Rules. 2. The author of the topic can only be the Head of VTC. 3. To create a VTC, at least 5 (five) users registered in the VTC.World Control Panel (CP) as part of the VTC are required.
4. Each VTC registered on the VTCW Resources, in the prescribed manner, must be registered at TruckersMP: https://truckersmp.com/vtc. In its open topic, VTC should provide a direct open link to the list of employees on TruckersMP, which includes at least 5 people. 5. Each VTC registered on VTCW Resources, in the prescribed manner, must have a name, description, internal rules of the Company and a list of employees (a direct link to the list), where each employee should have a direct link to their VTC.World profile. 6. The name of the new VTC, its logo, tag and Rules cannot coincide or be similar to those already existing on the VTC.World Resources, and must also comply with the requirements of the Rules for posting (Section 4 of VTC.World Rules).
7. In the VTC Administration, there can be no more than 1 (one) Head of VTC and more than 2 (two) Deputies Head of VTC. 8. Each VTC can have VTC Logisticians (no more than 2), indicated by the Head of the VTC, who is on the list of employees of this VTC. 9. The head of any VTC, has provided convincing evidence, can appeal to the VTCW Administration with a request to remove another VTC if it considers that its name, tag, logo or Rules violate its copyrights. 10. VTCW users cannot be members of more than one VTC. 11. If the design of the topic of the VTC does not correspond to the above points, the author is given 7 (seven) calendar days to eliminate the shortcomings. After this period, the VTCW Administration has the right to delete topics that are not fixed following these Rules. * - new/changed paragraph of the regulations.