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About Ertugrul

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  1. Ertugrul

    pc format

    thank you sir! good working
  2. Ertugrul

    pc format

    Hello, all files were deleted because I formatted my PC. Now I logged into my vtc.world account. But I can't log into the game because it says no saved file found. What should I do?
  3. Ertugrul

    Heart Point

    okay , thank you sir . good work , have a good day
  4. Ertugrul

    Heart Point

    Thank you Sir, But Sorry, I guess I didn't understand how to make the reputation '+100' again or I didn't understand because of the bad translation. .
  5. Ertugrul

    Heart Point

    Due to my own mistake, I accidentally 'Canceled Delivery' and my score decreased. How can I increase this score again? Heart Point/95 heart https://hizliresim.com/10hgf0u
  6. Ertugrul

    TruckersBook and Trucky

    thank you \ i will try
  7. Ertugrul

    TruckersBook and Trucky

    Hello, after installing vtc.world, Trucksbook and trucky are not working. Is this normal or did I do something wrong?