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About SamTDS

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  1. SamTDS

    first truck technicque?

    thank you, ive just done the vtc.world event today and jsut done a quick calculationa t the end and it gave about 30-40c less per km than what im getting in my quick jobs
  2. SamTDS

    first truck technicque?

    Heyy, what is the propper way to get your first truck? i restarted the other day in sim and spent some time customising my bus from the dealer coming in just under 120k loaded in promods server, only to find that it wouldnt let me take a job thinking i didnt own a truck. i ended up selling that and have been running quickjobs with just 45k making it up to 73k~ so far. i just want to iknow the proper way and hopefully people wont make the same mistake.